Under Construction Light Purple Pointer }

Hi!! My name is Sharpy! and i'm a sleep paralysis demon. Welcome to my website!!!

You may have seen my art around somewhere on the internet. I like to draw and animate silly characters because they make me happy. I hope to keep doing it for as long as I can. I hope my art is enjoyable and means something to someone. Thanks for all of the love and support!

This is my personal website where I can do whatever I want. I'm not that good at coding or web development/design so this website isn't the best, but I just wanted to make it into something I liked.

To do:

finish home pgae
domain name
N&Z ep1 animation cleanup
about me page
kill myself


Updateing my site again even though the homepage isn't done yet. It's been a while since I even touched this website cause i've been too busy trying to work on my animated projects cause I feel really bad for not getting as much work done on is as I want and trying to constantky update my patreon. I still gotta figure out how to fill in the gaps. I still have to make my blog and about me page. but I made a lot of changes and add-ons that i'm proud of that i'd like to share. I also updated my guestbook